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Cute game! I already got a few different endings, can't wait to get all of them


What does this do? I see no difference when I change it. Anyway, I enjoyed completing this. Myre is adorable!

It changes the scenes where you order food. with art only and no cameo you get only a truncated version of the ordering scene with no dialogue or anything


Thanks for explaining! Probably missed it because I was skimming through. I'll check those out later.

(Is there a way to listen to the bgm somewhere? It's really nice.)


I don't think it's uploaded anywhere. I paid to have it made by Sometimescozy. But the art and sound files and stuff should be unencrypted, so you can just grab the file there


Found it! Thank you very much


so where to find full game?


The full game is not out yet. However,  in the Behind The Scenes pledge tier (to fund development) have received monthly rough draft builds as a thanks for their generosity. The patreon link is in the description


The moment when the music kicks in is a legit jump scare


You'll be happy to know that the in development version have more background sounds before that and a fade in, so that is already fixed for release!

Are there any plans to make an Android version of this demo?


Maybe some day